Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart: 50 Devotions for Sleeping Well in a World Full of Worry Being among so many amazing writers in this devotional is an honor. I pray the Lord uses it in ways beyond our imagination. Clear Mind Peaceful Heart ...

Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart: 50 Devotions for Sleeping Well in a World Full of Worry Being among so many amazing writers in this devotional is an honor. I pray the Lord uses it in ways beyond our imagination. Clear Mind Peaceful Heart ...Read More
If we allow God’s word to invade our lives, it will change our prayers. Our prayers are often for the “American Dream” (health, wealth, & happiness). Let’s lean into God’s dream for our lives (dependence, contentment, & joy). Read this prayer last week & I can’t stop praying it. “First, help me never to tell a lie. Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just ...Read More
Our little family loves sports and all things competition. I love what it teaches them & how it is shaping them. I love to see them excel. I love to see them work hard & persevere through struggle. William (4) is all about the snacks🍭, but he got a hit... his first game. John (10) is all about the hits. John’s coach told us that the other kids were afraid to hit off ...Read More
William has been rocking our world since day one. I hope he always stands for truth.I hope his big brother always has his back.I hope he always blows air kisses at me. (If you missed it, go back & watch.) If you need it...He is blowing air kisses your way too. 😘 ...Read More
99.9% -> Every human is 99.9% identical in their genetic makeup. Take a moment to think about it. I taught a lesson on diversity to my Arkansas State students every semester. I always started with this fact. It is my prayer that we start seeing every human as more alike than different. ...Read More
Today I feel like I am officially a mom of a pre-teen. The young child days are slipping past me faster than I want. I want to stop it. I really want to enjoy it. Delighting in every question about beauty and boys. Staying patient and pushing her toward Jesus when "attitude" overcomes her. Being present. Encouraging her in everything she loves. Most importantly, I want her to know ...Read More
Are you easily distracted during prayer? Me too. This one tool has helped me set my heart and focus my mind each morning as I kneel before Jesus in prayer. This simple prayer journal gives scripture prompts along with areas to quickly list out your prayer and keep your mind and heart focused. Prayer Journal ...Read More
I read Psalm 86:8-10 aloud about 20xs this AM-till my soul began to believe it & rest in it. Here’s the thing... I didn’t “feel” like it, but I did it. Don’t allow your feelings to dictate your devotion. There is nothing more powerful than God’s Word. When I allow my devotion to dictate my actions... my feelings soon follow. Psalm 86:8-10 (CSB)8 Lord, there is no one ...Read More
I have a Master's from Southeastern Seminary and been involved in ministry leadership for over twenty years. I was introduced to Robby Gallaty's discipleship strategies about four years ago and have had the privilege to spend time with Kandi Gallaty in different ministry leadership groups. The concepts in this book have shaped how we make disciples who make disciples. We are seeing a powerful ...Read More
Our family celebrates Taco Tuesday every week. Is there an easier meal than tacos? I have four recipes on rotation so we aren't eating the same thing every week, although the only thing that is really different is how I cook the protein portion of the tacos. This is by far the easiest recipe. It is literally an instant recipe. It is perfect on busy days. You can place frozen chicken in a ...Read More